ES                  DE 


Plan, Strassenkarte von Puerto Varas

By Car: Coming from Santiago: - Turn off at the exit "Puerto Varas/ Nueva Braunau" - Follow the signs "Puerto Varas Casino" - Passing the supermarket "Santa Isabel" to the next traffic light - Turn left into San Francisco Street. . 
Coming from Puerto Montt: - Turn off at the exit "Puerto Varas/ Sur" - Follow the signs "Puerto Varas - Centro" - Drive on until arriving at crossing Del Salvador Street (traffic light). - You are in the San Francisco Street.
Continue straight ahead approx. 200 m (Portales), turn left into Portales Street. After 60 m turn left again into San Bernardo Street. You can't miss the Hosteria Outsider on the right side in front of the Supermercado O'Higgins and Horn. Foto and GPS


 Hier geht's zur Startseite von, ein kleiner Online-Reiseführer für Ihre Chilereise

Hosteria Outsider, San Bernardo 318, Puerto Varas, Chile, Tel. +56 65 2231056